Investing in fija’s yield bearing strategies is simple and effortless.
Please follow these steps:
- Visit our fija dApp at
- Pick your preferred strategy from the dropdown.
- Connect your crypto wallet containing the tokens you want to invest. Please note that your wallet will also need to contain a small amount of ETH to pay for the gas fees during the investment process. fija strategies are running on the Ethereum mainnet and Arbitrum — your wallet will propose you to switch networks
- Enter the amount of tokens you would like to invest in the ‘deposit’ section
- Click the ‘deposit’ button to start the investment process
- Sign the transactions using your crypto wallet. There will be 2 transactions to sign: one to allow access to your tokens, and a second one to do the actual investment.
- After successful completion of your transaction, you will receive fija tokens in your wallet. These tokens are your proof of investment.
That’s it! You are now ready to enjoy the fija yields without any further action.